Translated information | IPTAAS
A NSW Government website
Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme
(1800 478 227)

Translated information

Do you need information about IPTAAS in another language?

We understand every person is different and that English may not be your preferred language. If you need information about IPTAAS or how the program may help you, you can call our team using Translating Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 13 14 50 during our office hours for language interpreting services.

For other accessibility services contact the National Relay Service (NRS) on 1300 555 727 or send us an email at

Translated information in your language

Translated videos

Arabic video
IPTAAS Introduction Arabic video
Bangla video
IPTAAS Introduction Bangla video
Farsi video
IPTAAS Introduction Farsi video
Kurdish video
IPTAAS Introduction Kurdish video
Mandarin video
IPTAAS Introduction Mandarin video
Nepali video
IPTAAS Introduction Nepali video
Punjabi video
IPTAAS Introduction Punjabi video
Swahili video
IPTAAS Introduction Swahili video
Vietnamese video
IPTAAS Introduction Vietnamese video