For healthcare professionals | IPTAAS
A NSW Government website
Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme
(1800 478 227)

For healthcare professionals

To be eligible for IPTAAS a patient must be referred for treatment at their nearest health service.

Who can make a referral?

A general practitioner is usually the source of a referral. A patient can also be referred by a dental practitioner, medical practitioner, midwife, optometrist, or a visiting medical officer.

When a patient is visiting a practitioner or health service for the first time, the referral details on the IPTAAS Travel and Accommodation Claims form must be completed by a general practitioner.

Subsequent visits to the same practitioner or health service do not require a referral. The referral is valid for 24 months.

New referral details are required if the patient is visiting a new practitioner or health service.

Referring patients to the nearest health service

Patients can apply for financial support from IPTAAS if they are referred for treatment at their nearest health service from their place of residence.

Exemptions may be applied if the referring practitioner certifies that it is necessary for the patient to travel to a more distant practitioner or health service.

Air travel approval process

If a patient is required to travel by air, an air approval code is required before the patient flies. To get an air approval code the patients referring health professional, medical practitioner, health service or authorised representative must contact IPTAAS. If the patient did not get an air approval code the patients travel will be reimbursed at the private vehicle rate.

You can find the list of approved reasons for air travel by going to air approval criteria.

Healthcare professionals resources

Principles for assessment of IPTAAS claims
What forms do you need to complete?
A list of eligible IPTAAS services: Allied health clinics, High foot risk clinics, Oral health clinics
Factsheet for healthcare professionals and healthcare workers
Factsheet for NSW Health Dental Services staff
Factsheet for non-commercial clinical trials